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Logo E-Newsletter, June 23, 2022

Have you tried our wish list?
June 23, 2022 - When you find a part that is out of stock simply click the "ADD" button and a pop-up window will appear, enter your email address, and when that part is put away (made available to sell) you will be notified. It’s a great way to ensure you know when a part you are looking for becomes available without having to continually return to the site to check availability (although we always encourage you to come to our website!).

Reduced Prices On LEDs!!
June 23, 2022 - The price of our LEDs has been reduced. What used to be $10.00 is now $6.00 and what used to be $12.00 is now $9.00. For an easy-to-reference chart of LEDs & Incandescent lamps, visit the following charts:

LED Guide
Incandescent Bulb Guide

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New Parts Being Added Every Day!
June 23, 2022 - As summer is upon us we have found some time to get parts put away in our inventory and up for sale on the website. Everything from HO Scale parts to Railking, Premier, Tinplate & One Gauge. If there is something you are looking for and you have not placed it on the "wish list" please swing by the site and have a look. In addition to making these parts available we have also received a restock on some other parts (see the attached list). Finally, we have recently received some 40-pin & 8-pin wire harnesses for Protosound 3 diesel boards. These are now back in stock and ready to ship.

Click on the link HERE to see a complete listing of all the new parts that have arrived. 

Exploded View Part Lists
We organize our part lists based on mechanical parts & electronic parts. Every model has (or will have) two (and sometimes 3) exploded view lists. You are given the option to choose the list you wish to view for each model.

The electronic list includes tethers, drawbars, specific Protosound boards, lights, LEDs, couplers, smoke units & smoke unit components, etc.

A mechanical part list includes all of the pieces that comprise a specific model; screws, drive blocks, linkages, side frames, etc.

To begin searching for those lists, click HERE.

Freight And Passenger Truck Reference Charts
We have recently compiled two quick reference charts for all Railking & Premier rolling stock and passenger cars showing the part number of the truck used on these cars. These documents are available for download under the USEFUL STUFF & VIDEOS section of the site.

To begin searching for those lists, click HERE for Premier and HERE for RailKing.
Proto-Smoke Fluid In-Stock On The MTH Parts Site

MTH Parts & Sales LLC has a variety of Proto-Smoke Fluid now in-stock and ready-to-ship in 7oz and 50ml bottles in the below scents. You can order any of these scents by going to the MTH Parts and Sales smoke fluid page.

7-ounce Bottles
60-1045 - Unscented
60-1046 - Christmas
60-1047 - Coal

50ml Bottles
60-1051A - Christmas
60-1051B - Coal
60-1051C - Diesel
60-1051D - Wood Burning
60-1051E - Coffee
60-1051G - Vanilla
60-1051H - Candy Cane
60-1051J - Pipe Smoke
60-1051K - Cinnamon
60-1051L - Apple Pie
60-1051M - Unscented
60-1051N - Lemon

Contact Us
If you have questions or need help, reach out to us via email at

Email Your Questions

Visit The Junkyard
Are you the type of modeler who enjoys weathering your trains? Afraid to take the plunge on a pristine model? Check out "the Junkyard" to find some inexpensive decorated products at low prices to hone your skills on!

Visit Now!

Support Videos
We've collected our tutorials and How-To videos and put them in one convenient place.

Watch Now!

Traction Tires Now Available

Visit MTH Parts & Sales LLC for the latest list of available traction tires. You'll find that list by going HERE.

©2021 M.T.H. Electric Trains, 6660 Santa Barbara Rd (Suite 20), Elkridge, MD 21075

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