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Logo E-Newsletter, Feb. 17, 2022
O Scale Figures & Vehicles Now Available
February 17, 2022 - Looking for O scale figures & vehicles for your layout or to use as loads for your flatcars? How about some O scale figures to adorn your sidewalks, industrial areas, or passengers for your O scale passenger cars? We have a great selection of scale-sized figures & vehicles to choose from. To see what all is available click on the Search Service Parts button on the home page and enter the following keywords:
- or -
Click on the resulting photo icon in the search results to see a photo of each figure or vehicle.

Z-Controller Circuit Boards Arrive
February 17, 2022 - We just received a shipment of Z-Controller circuit boards. Part number AD5200002 is a complete PCB for use in Z-1000 controllers and Z-Controllers (these do not work for Z-500’s or Z-750’s). In stock and available now. You can also see what other parts we have available for the Z-Controllers by clicking HERE.

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Huge New Parts Arrival
February 17, 2022 - We just received a large shipment of new parts (as well as resupply of some parts that have been out of inventory for a few months). Click on the link HERE to see a complete listing of all the new parts that have arrived. Here’s a hint; Traction Tires for Premier 44 Ton Diesels, 2.4V rechargeable batteries for Protosound 2 3V electronic packages, 10-pin wireless drawbars in a variety of lengths, and much more!

New Exploded View Part Lists
We organize our part lists based on mechanical parts & electronic parts. Every model has (or will have) two (and sometimes 3) exploded view lists. You are given the option to choose the list you wish to view for each model.

The electronic list includes tethers, drawbars, specific Protosound boards, lights, LEDs, couplers, smoke units & smoke unit components, etc.

A mechanical part list includes all of the pieces that comprise a specific model; screws, drive blocks, linkages, side frames, etc.

Check out the list below of RailKing Steam Locomotives that now have all-new parts lists. To begin searching for those lists, click HERE.

0-8-0 (PS2-5V only)
49er 4-6-2
Allegheny 2-6-6-6
Bantam N&W j 4-8-4
Big Boy (PS1 only)
Cab Forward 2-8-8-4 (PS 1 Only)
Camelback 4-6-0 (PS2-5V only)
Crusader 4-6-4 (PS1 only)
Daylight 4-8-4 (PS1 Only)
Decapod 2-10-0 (PS2-5V)
Docksider 0-4-0
General 4-4-0 (PS1 only)
Hiawatha 4-6-4 (PS1 only)
Hudson 4-6-4 (PS1 only)
K-4 Pacific 4-6-2 (PS1 only)
M-1a 4-8-2
Mikado 2-8-2 (PS2-5V only)
N&W J 4-8-4 (whistle)
Northern 4-8-4 (PS1 only)
Pacific 4-6-2 (PS1 only)
Southern PS-4 4-6-2 (PS1 only)
Royal Hudson 4-6-4 (PS2-5V)
Starter Set 2-6-0 (PS1 only)
Starter set 2-8-0
Starter set 4-6-0
Steam Turbine 6-8-6 (PS2-5V)
Torpedo 4-6-2 (PS1 only)
Y-6b 2-8-8-2 (PS2-5V only)

Proto-Smoke Fluid In-Stock On The MTH Parts Site

MTH Parts & Sales LLC has a variety of Proto-Smoke Fluid now in-stock and ready-to-ship in 7oz and 50ml bottles in the below scents. You can order any of these scents by going to the MTH Parts and Sales smoke fluid page.

7-ounce Bottles
60-1045 - Unscented
60-1046 - Christmas
60-1047 - Coal

50ml Bottles
60-1051A - Christmas
60-1051B - Coal
60-1051C - Diesel
60-1051D - Wood Burning
60-1051E - Coffee
60-1051G - Vanilla
60-1051H - Candy Cane
60-1051J - Pipe Smoke
60-1051K - Cinnamon
60-1051L - Apple Pie
60-1051M - Unscented
60-1051N - Lemon

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Visit The Junkyard
While not actual junk, these one-of-a-kind parts are excellent for scratch building and more.

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Traction Tires Now Available

Visit MTH Parts & Sales LLC for the latest list of available traction tires. You'll find that list by going HERE.

©2021 M.T.H. Electric Trains, 6660 Santa Barbara Rd (Suite 20), Elkridge, MD 21075

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